Dorval High School


James (Jim) Cuthill  Registered 2010-10-07

Email: Click Here
Wow, what a great walk down Memory Lane. I'm still in touch with a few friends from the Class of 73 and would love to hear from others. Ian & Bev, Hiedi & Rob, Debbie F, Frances C, Susan M, Bob C, Stephen B, Janet L, Kim R, Joan S, Debbie G, and all the rest of the gang - you were the Best of 73. Post Dorval, I travelled for 18 months and eventually settled in Ontario. Studies in Kingston, Guelph and Waterloo proved beneficial and I've had a great career researching a variety of environmental issues. Photography, historical research and sailing have filled the years which have just flown by. Moved west to Vancouver Island in 2002 but hope to return to Ontario in 2011. It would be great to hear from old friends - and friends of friends - just drop me an email and I'll get back to you. Check out Flickr and Facebook for some photos.
